
Road Safety and Defensive Driving Tips

Road safety is top priority for anybody on the road. Here are some ways to reinforce road safety within the business.

Road safety is top priority for anybody on the road. But this rings more true especially to businesses that rent vehicles for their operations where it’s not just important but also mandatory to create standard measures and protocols for the safety and security of drivers and the vehicles assigned to them. Here are some ways to reinforce road safety within the business:

  1. Facilitate a comprehensive defensive driving training or seminar.
    By equipping drivers with defensive driving techniques, they are able to reduce the risk of accidents and help promote overall road safety. Here, they can be reminded of what they learned at every mandatory seminar and can learn more tips on how best to react to challenging road situations. 
  2. Schedule and maintain regular maintenance checks for all car rental vehicles.
    It’s not enough to just test the brakes and check the boot for spare tires. Every business renting a fleet should implement a systematic maintenance schedule and periodic inspection to prevent mechanical failures and road accidents caused by malfunctions.
  3. Make drivers aware that you care for their well-being.
    Encourage drivers to be well-rested and get adequate sleep especially before a long ride. This helps them focus on the road better, be more alert and attentive to handle unexpected situations, making them safer as they drive. Letting the drivers know that you prioritize their wall-being can go a long way.
  4. Monitor your driver’s behaviors and habits.
    Make use of the data available about the drivers to be able to monitor their habits better. Let them know that GPS tracking systems must be installed in order to evaluate their performance and monitor their safety. These types of data can help identify points of improvement and create targeted training in the future.
  5. Offer customized training depending on the skills and weaknesses of the drivers.
    Targeted training is essential because each driver may have a unique set of driving skills. Here at MRLC, we are known for our personalized approach when it comes to dealing with our clients, and we encourage businesses to treat drivers the same way. 
  6. Be firm and be strict. Practice a zero-tolerance policy for irresponsible driving.
    It’s important to be firm when it comes to fleet management. Make it clear to everyone involved that responsible driving and safety are non-negotiable, and that certain penalties and disciplinary actions must be implemented if anybody violates the policies.

It’s important that drivers embody the values of the business in whatever it is that they do. This includes the quality of drive and care that they put in the vehicles.

If you need to consult with a car rental service in the Philippines and if you would like to know the best practices behind fleet management, inquire with us today. Our personal account managers will be glad to assist.